Sorcerer Setups

by Shade

I. Artillery Sorcerer | II. Battle Mage | III. Tank Mage
° The Sorcerer is unquestionably a true powerhouse class. He got big spell damage, a fast cast-rate and an incredibly large mana pool. The basic mechanics of this class are quite easy to lean, plus the base frame of gear which is required to play a Sorcerer effectively is comparatively easy to obtain. Thus the Sorcerer can be considered to be to most beginner friendly class to start PvP with. However, I'm careful to point out that it's a true challenge to master the aforementioned techniques. Due to the fast cast-rate of this class, it takes lots and lots of practice to develop a feel for the perfect timing.
° The base item of each magical Shield (except Godly Shield of the Ages) in this part of the compendium, is a so called Sorcerer Shield (Buckler, Small Shield, Large Shield). They all got a strength requirement below 45.
° I don't list specific builds against 'Melee Rogues', because they are basically Warriors with a faster cast-rate. It should be sufficient to pick a vs. Warrior build, and modify your fire and, in case you're playing a melee based Sorcerer, your magic resistances (Flash). Tank builds however are an exception. They simply don't work properly against 'Melee Rogues'. That's because a Rogue got plenty of dexterity, and consequently also chance-to-hit, by default.
Classic Artillery Sorcerer vs. Warrior
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon Dreamflange 
Shield: Garnet (Crimson) Shield of Brilliance | alternative: Crimson Shield of Blocking
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry | alternative: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry | alternative: Dragon's Ring of Harmony
HP: 138
Mana: 1156 | 1096 with Dragon's Jewel of Harmony |1136 with Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Crimson Shield of Blocking |1046 with Dragon's Jewel of Harmony + Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Crimson Shield of Blocking
Spell Level: 19
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75% | 70% with Crimson Shield of Blocking
Resist Lightning: 40%
° This is the classic way to equip an 'Artillery Sorcerer' versus a Warrior. Some players prefer to equip a Dragon's Jewel of Harmony, but according to my personal experience this isn't implicitly necessary. However, in case you should be taking off-screen damage frequently (this happens mainly in bad latency games), the fastest hit-recovery can help to minimize this problem significantly.
° Another variant is to put on a shield with the blocking suffix (e.g. Holy DefenderCrimson Shield of Blocking). To fully benefit of this variant however, we have to adjust our style of play to a more defensive / passive level (blocking position). I'm careful to point out, that it's necessary to wear one Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac to reach a dexterity value of 100, which is required to achieve 'Perfect-Block' (100 is the dexterity value you require if both characters are level 50. The dexterity requirements decrease by two points each level attacker and target differ from each other).
Classic Artillery Sorcerer vs. Bow Rogue
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Shield: Garnet (Crimson) Shield of Brilliance | alternative: Crimson Shield of Blocking
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry  | alternative: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Harmony

Mana: 1096 | 1046 with Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Crimson Shield of Blocking
Spell Level: 19
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75% | 70% with Crimson Shield of Blocking
Resist Lightning: 40%
° When facing a 'Bow Rogue', it's mandatory to equip a Dragon's Jewel of Harmony. Without the 'fastest hit-recovery' we will get shredded in her stun-lock.
° Using a Crimson Shield of Blocking is particularly interesting for players who prefer a so called 'Counter-Cast' strategy. On doing so, you evade arrows by using 'Diagonal-Walk' and 'Counter-Cast' with Fireball as soon as you see / feel an opening in the Rogues rain of arrows. The loss of 5% fire resistances isn't a problem, as most Rogues don't use Fireball as a main offensive. To achieve 'Perfect-Block', it is necessary to put on a Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac. (See: Classic Artillery Sorcerer vs. Warrior)
Classic Artillery Sorcerer vs. Sorcerer
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Shield: Garnet (Crimson) Shield of Brilliance
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry

Mana: 1156
Spell Level: 19
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75%
Resist Lightning: 40%
° Not much to say here. There simply isn't a lot you can adjust in this encounter. A huge mana pool, maxed out fire resistances and big spell damage is one of the most effective ways to face another Sorcerer.
Arch Artillery Sorcerer vs. Warrior
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon: Arch-Angel's Staff of wizardry | alternative: Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball (80 charges)
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry 
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry | alternative: Dragon's Ring of Harmony

Mana: 1076 | 1016 with Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball | 1016 with Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry + Dragon's Jewel of Harmony| 956 with Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball + Dragon's Jewel of Harmony
Spell Level: 20
Resist Magic: 40%
Resist Fire: 40%
Resist Lightning: 40%
° The 'Arch Artillery Sorcerer' boosts his spell level to the maximum of 20. His total damage is increased significantly this way. On the other hand however, we sacrifice quite a few valuable mana points on this setup. I recommend this build for experienced players only, as you certainly aren't equally solid as a regular 'Artillery Sorcerer'. In case the basic attack- and movement- techniques of a Sorcerer have been mastered, (which basically means you don't get hit often) this build is very effective.
° A very nice variation is to use an Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball. 80 free Fireball charges equal a total of 800 mana. This is considerably more than the 540 mana (30 magic = 60 mana * 9 full mana orbs) you gain by using an Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry. Be this as it may, if you tend to get hit frequently by your opponent, the classic Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry variant is still the best horse to bet on.
° As stated before, I don't consider a Dragon's Jewel of Harmony to be implicitly necessary in this certain matchup, though it's a valid option in bad latency games. (See: Classic Artillery Sorcerer vs. Warrior)
Arch Artillery Sorcerer vs. Bow Rogue
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon: Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry | alternative: Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball (80 charges)
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry 
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Harmony | alternative: Obsidian Ring of Harmony

Mana: 1016 | 956 with Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball
Spell Level: 20
Resist Magic: 40%
Resist Fire: 40%
Resist Lightning: 40%
° Just the same as a classic 'Artillery Sorcerer', we have to put on a harmony jewel in this matchup. The Dragon's Jewel of Harmony is still our best choice, as it's very unlikely that we are going to face a Rogue which can effectively use Fireball against us. In case you should find yourself in this rare situation, simply switch the to an Obsidian Jewel of Harmony.
° The Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball variant is still a considerable option, although I personally esteem 956 mana to be only barely sufficient in this certain matchup.
Arch Artillery Sorcerer vs. Sorcerer
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon: Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry | alternative: Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball (80 charges)
Amulet: Dragon's Amulet of Wizardry 
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Obsidian Ring of Wizardry

Mana: 1016 | 956 with Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball
Spell Level: 20
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75%
Resist Lightning: 75%
° Once again we have to face the agony of choice between Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry or Arch-Angel's Staff of Fireball. I myself favor the Arch-Angel's Staff of Wizardry in this matchup, because it's pretty tough to avoid being hit at frequent intervals. Although, players who prefer a more defensive way of playing, for example by using the aforementioned 'Counter-Cast' strategy, will most likely disagree with my choice here.
° Some players happen to ask me, if it's better to play a regular 'Artillery Sorcerer' or to switch to the 'Arch Artillery' variant. Truth be told, I doubt that there is a definitive answer to this question, as it's basically a matter of taste and capability. In case you feel solid and experienced enough to play the Arch variant, go ahead! As far as I'm concerned, I favor the regular Artillery variant, as a maxed out mana pool is necessary for my style of play.

Battle Mage vs. Bow Rogue
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of haste
Shield: Jade Shield of Brilliance
Amulet: Dragons Amulet of Wizardry
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Harmony

Mana: 966
Spell Level: 18
Resist Magic: 70%
Resist Fire: 70%
Resist Lightning: 70%
° A 'Battle Mage' hybrid combines the strengths of the 'Artillery Sorcerer' with the ability to cause stun-lock in melee combat. This can be very effective, as with the right techniques (e.g. 'Tele-Delay' and 'Tele-Attack'), we can nail down our opponent in stun-lock and finish him off with offensive spells (Fireball and Flash).
° We've got 70 % on all resistances with this build. This should be sufficient even if we face a Rogue which is using Fireball and Flash extensively.
° Some players favor to focus on the melee attack damage of a 'Battle Mage', by using items like Dragon's Jewels of TitansJade Shield of Power, Obsidian Armor of the Giants, Kings Great Sword of Haste and Royal Circlet. Such builds might work for one or another player, but I consider them to be too exotic, as the main strength of a Sorcerer is spell damage. I hold the opinion, that as long as we can cause stun-lock (which by the way roughly requires a minimum damage of 50) we got all the melee power we need.
Battle Mage vs. Sorcerer
Helm: Thinking Cap
Armor: Naj's Light Plate
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste
Shield: Garnet (Crimson) Shield of Brilliance | alternative: Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Amulet: Dragons Amulet of Wizardry
Ring1: Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring2: Dragon's Ring of Wizardry

Mana: 1026 | 996  with Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Spell Level: 18
Resist Magic: 40% | 75% with Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Resist Fire: 75% | 75% with Emerald Shield of the Tiger
Resist Lightning: 40% | 75% with Emerald Shield of the Tiger
° The 'Battle Mage' is a great setup to face another Sorcerer. All players who dislike the monotony of this interclass encounter, should definitely give this build a try. It works exceptionally well against opponents who specialized on 'Counter-Cast' strategies.
° The only notable hiccup of this setup is the choice of shields. As long as we're facing an opponent who's using Fireball only, the Garnet (Crimson) Shield of Brilliance is perfectly sufficient. As soon as Flash comes into play, I recommend to pick an Emerald Shield of the Tiger. According to my experience, a Jade Shield of Brilliance isn't a true option in this matchup. You suffer greatly of the missing 5% of resistances when facing a fully geared '(Arch) Artillery Sorcerer'.

Classic Tank Mage vs. Warrior
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate Mail of Sorcery | alternative: Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony
Weapon: Dreamflange
Shield: Stormshield
Amulet: Dragons Amulet of the Zodiac
Ring1: Obsidian Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Obsidian Ring the Zodiac
Armor Class: 294
Mana: 1006 | 966 with Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony
Spell Level: 16
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75%
Resist Lightning: 75%
° The idea behind a 'Tank Mage' is to force the Warrior to switch to chance-to-hit gear. As consequence, he loses the luxury of wearing his ideal setup. This way each Warrior type loses precious points in damage as well as life and mana. A 'Classic Tank Mage' is a very effective variant. He can be played offensively as well a defensively. This is possible because he's undoubtedly the most balanced tank variant, as he combines a large mana pool, increased spell level and a very solid armor class.
° To use a Awesome Plate of Harmony is a good idea for defensive playerswho prefer to operate from the blocking position. The 'Walk-Away + Counter-Cast' strategy is a good example for a very effective technique on this build.
Extreme Tank Mage vs. Warrior
Helm: Gotterdamerung (unidentified)
Armor: Awesome Full Plate Mail of Precision | alternative: Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony
Weapon: Dreamflange
Shield: Godly Tower Shield (of the Ages) | alternative: Stormshield
Amulet: Dragons Amulet of the zodiac
Ring1: Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | alternative Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Ring2: Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | alternative Dragon's Ring of the Zodiac
Armor Class: 340 | 336 with Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony | 320 with Stormshield | 316 with Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony+Stormshield
Mana: 886 | 946 with 2 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | 1006 with 3 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac
Spell Level: 16
Resist Magic: 75% | 40% with 2 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | 0% with 3 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac 
Resist Fire: 75% | 40% with 2 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | 0% with 3 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac 
Resist Lightning: 75% | 40% with 2 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac + Obsidian Ring the Zodiac | 0% with 3 x Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac 
° This build aims at castrating the Warrior entirely, by pushing the armor class pretty much to the maximum. Our mana pool certainly suffers substantially, but considering our insane armor class, 886 mana is still very solid. We also keep a spell level of 16, which should provide enough spell damage to toast every Warrior who isn't very experienced in these encounters.
° I personally favor to play this setup in an offensive way, but it's undeniably greatly fitting for defensive styles as well. Players who prefer to operate from the blocking position need switch to a Stormshield. To combine it with a Awesome Plate of Harmony isn't very advisablebecause we sacrifice our monstrous armor class this way. It's an either/or decision in this case.
° It's conceivable to use a Dragon's Jewel of the Zodiac in all 3 slots, to boost the mana pool to a very solid level. However, I consider it to be a substantial risk to play at 0 resistances, as an experienced Warrior should occasionally be able to use offensive spells against us ( e.g. 'Fireball-Phasing Autoaim').
High AC Battle Mage vs. Warrior 
Helm: Royal Circlet
Armor: Awesome Full Plate Mail of Harmony | alternative: Awesome Full Plate Mail of the Stars
Weapon: King's Bastard Sword of Haste | alternative: Strange Bastard Sword of Haste
Shield: Stormshield
Amulet: Dragons Amulet of the Zodiac
Ring1: Obsidian Ring of Wizardry
Ring2: Obsidian Ring the Zodiac
Armor Class: 294 | 296 with Awesome Full Plate Mail of the Stars
Mana: 856 | 878 with Awesome Full Plate Mail of the Stars
Spell Level: 15
Chance To Hit: 217% | 223% with Awesome Full Plate Mail of the Stars| 267% with Strange Bastard Sword of Haste | 273% with Strange Bastard Sword of Haste + Awesome Full Plate Mail of the Stars
Resist Magic: 75%
Resist Fire: 75%
Resist Lightning: 75%
° This hybrid setup, which is known as the 'Warriors Bane', is very specific and well-conceived. Same as the 'Classic Tank Mage', we force the Warrior to decrease his over all toughness, damage and versatility by going high AC. We combine this already very solid advantage with perfect-block, max resistances, fastest hit-recovery and the ability to cause stun-lock with melee attacks. All these advantages together, plus the fast cast-rate of the Sorcerer class and a pretty solid mana pool, make this setup undeniably a very tough nut to crack for ANY Warrior.
° In case we wish to push our armor class even further, we switch to an unidentified Gotterdamerung, which results in an final armor class of 312.
° In the unlikely case our opponent should try to counter this setup by going high AC as well, we can simply switch to a Strange Sword of Haste. This should allow us to cause stun-lock every now and then, even if his armor class should exceed our max chance-to-hit value of 273 %. If all goes wrong, a Dreamflange is still a nice alternative on this setup. To be able to cause stun-lock undeniably is a nice advantage, -since we can influence the Warriors melee capabilities very effectively-, but it's not the end of the world if we drop it.

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