Diablo Torch is an injected dll mod, which adds many new features and QOL functios to Diablo. A detailed guide about how to setup Diablo Torch properly can be found here.
General list of features:
° Monster life is shown while the cursor is over a monster.
° Current time is put at the top of the screen.
° Player experience bar shown right above potion belt.
° Power level is shown in the top right if it’s less than 100%.
° Item values are shown when the mouse is over an item in the inventory.
° Items that are dropped on the ground automatically get their name placed above them for 2 seconds.
° Holding 'Alt' will show all items on the ground by putting names above them.
° Full shrine list available in-game.
° In-game stash that can hold up to 1024 items.
° Most features can be disabled in-game.
° Taskbar at the bottom of the screen keeps separate windows tidy.
° Tilde (~) key hides taskbar.
Below are some screenshots of Diablo Torch in action:
(Note: click to enlarge)

° If you want to use Diablo Torch online, it’s necessary to run Inject.bat after you’ve logged into Battle.net.
° At times it can be necessary to run Inject.bat more than just once to enable it properly.
° Diablo Torch was created for Diablo 1.09 and 1.09b, therefore it’s only compatible with these versions.
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