Details & Notes

Flames jet out of the ground beneath each enemy, inflicting heavy damage.
Type: n/a
Min. Dmg: clvl
Max. Dmg: 6·clvl
Real Dmg: Itt(clvl, Rnd[6] + 1)
Blockable: Yes
Works against all monsters, even triple immune ones.

Blood Star
This is what the Winged Witches toss at you. Each Blood Star hit does 1/3rd the caster's magic statistic in damage to the enemy. Costs health and mana to cast
Type: magic
Dmg: 3·slvl + [Mag/2] - [Mag/8]
Speed: 16
Blockable: Yes
°Costs 5 life to cast or 5 extra mana if you use Mana Shield. This cost is applied even if the spell is cast from a staff.

Bone Spirit
A ghost flies from enemy to enemy and takes 1/3rd of their hit points in damage. Life and mana are used to cast.
Type: magic
Dmg PVM: 1/3 of targets HP
Dmg PVP: 1/6 of targets life
Speed: 16
Blockable: Yes
°Note that the damage value given above is still subject to reduction due to resistance.
°Costs 6 life to cast or 6 extra mana if you use Mana Shield. This cost is applied even if the spell is cast from a staff.

Chain Lightning
Targets all creatures around you and sends out multiple bolts, hitting friend or foe. The higher level you have of this spell the more bolts are cast.
Type: lightning
Min. Dmg: 4
Max. Dmg: 4 + 2·clvl
Real Dmg: Rnd[clvl] + Rnd[2] + 2
Bolts: 1 + numbers of foes in range
Range: 2 + slvl (max 18)
Speed: 32
Duration: ([slvl/2] + 6)/20 seconds
Blockable: No
°You get one bolt in the direction where you aim with your mouse and one additional bolt for each monster in range.
°This spell is well known for causing gaps at high levels and/or when there are many monsters within range.
°The lightning is actually a stationary effect, but the initiation will be delayed the further away it appears, thus giving an appearance of moving. This delay "travels" with a speed of 32.
°The bolt will try to hit once each 0.05 seconds for a total of [slvl/2] + 6 times.

Charged Bolt
Multiple bolts of slow moving electricity float around the room in random directions, until they make contact with a foe or until the spell wears out. The higher the level of the spell, the more Charged Bolts are shot, and the more damage each Charged Bolt does.
Type: lightning
Min. Dmg: 1
Max. Dmg: 1 + [Mag/4]
Number of bolts: 4 + [slvl/2]
Speed: 8
Blockable: Yes

A fire elemental erupts from the ground and heads towards an enemy; exploding into a fireball on impact. The higher the level of the spell, the faster the Elemental, and the more damage done
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 4 + 2·clvl)
Max. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 40 + 2·clvl)
Quick Min. Dmg: (4 + 2·clvl) · (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Dmg: (40 + 2·clvl) · (9/8)^slvl
Real Dmg: Rec(slvl, 2·(Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+clvl) + 4)/2
Speed: 16
Blockable: Yes
Fire Ball
Fire Ball is a projective spell and one of the most powerful spells in the game. Sorcerers will typically use this spell as one of their main attacks. It sports some of the best damage in the game, can be fired quickly and causes splash damage upon impact.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 4 + 2·clvl)
Max. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 40 + 2·clvl)
Quick Min. Dmg: (4 + 2·clvl) · (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Dmg: (40 + 2·clvl) · (9/8)^slvl
Real Dmg: Rec(slvl, 2·(Rnd[10]+Rnd[10]+clvl) + 4)
Speed: 16 + 2·slvl (max 50)
Blockable: Yes
°A Fire Ball cause splash damage in adjacent hexes as well as in the target hex. Splash damage is equal to the damage of the fireball itself.
°If the Fire Ball has traveled over some obstacle on its way to its target, the splash damage normally does not occur.
°You can block either the Fire Ball or the splash, but not both.
Fire Bolt
Fire Bolt launches a projectile in a straight line that damages one enemy upon contact. Since its damage doesn't scale very well, Sorcerers want to start using Fireball instead.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: 1 + slvl + [Mag/8]
Max. Dmg: 10 + slvl + [Mag/8]
Real Dmg: Rnd[10] + slvl + [Mag/8] + 1
Speed: 16 + 2·slvl
Blockable: Yes
Fire Wall
Casting this spell will cause a wall of fire to erupt from the ground, burning those who step in it. The higher the level of the spell, the longer the Fire Wall will burn, and the more damage the flames will do.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: 4 + 2·clvl
Max. Dmg: 40 + 2·clvl
Real Dmg: (Rnd[10] + Rnd[10] + clvl + 2)/8
Duration: 8 + 8·slvl seconds (12 + 8·slvl in Hellfire)
Number of flames: 11
Blockable: No
°The central Fire Wall flame actually consists of two flames on top of each other, with the result of a damage for that "flame" being double.
°The Fire Wall will disappear immediately if you gain any level in the spell.
°Fire Walls are treated as traps against players, including the caster.
°The flame will try to hit once every 0.05 seconds for a total of 160 + 160·slvl times
Flame Wave
A mobile wall of fire sweeps across the floor in the direction you are facing, inflicting damage upon anything in its path. The higher the level of the spell, the greater the width of the Flame Wave, and the more damage each Wave does.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: 6 + 6·clvl
Max. Dmg: 60 + 6·clvl
Real Dmg: Rnd[10] + clvl + 1
Speed: 16
Number of flames: 5 + [slvl/2]
Blockable: Yes
°Flame Waves are treated as traps against players, including the caster.
A ring of energy, is shot out from the player into the surrounding adjacent squares, giving enemies surrounding you a bit of a shock. The higher the level of the spell, the more damage the Flash does.
Type: magic
Min. Dmg: [3·Rec(slvl, clvl)/2]
Max. Dmg: 2·[3·Rec(slvl, clvl)/2]
Quick Min. Dmg: 3·clvl/2 · (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Dmg: 3·clvl · (9/8)^slvl
Real Dmg 1: [3·Rec(slvl, Itt(clvl, Rnd[20] + 1))/2]/64
Real Dmg: [3·Rec(slvl, Itt(clvl, Rnd[2] + 1))/2]/64
Duration: 0.95 seconds
Blockable: No
°The Flash spell is actually composed of two different effects, the two different Real Damages given are for the two different effects. The first hit in front of you and to the sides, the other behind you.
°You seem to be able to do two flashes in a row, then you have to wait for them to finish. Don't know how this affects damage though.
°While casting Flash, you are temporarily invulnerable and can't access the normal GUI.
°The flash will try to hit once every 0.05 seconds for a total of 19 times.
Golem summons a golem to help the player, and is the only spell in the game that summons an actual minion. It can be useful for Sorcerers against triple immunes in Hell difficulty. Curiously enough, if two or more players both summon a golem in the same game, the golems will try to kill each other.
Type: n/a
Golem stats:
HP: 2·maxmana/3 + 10·slvl
AC: 25
To Hit: 40 + 2·clvl + 5·slvl
Min. Dmg: 8 + 2·slvl
Max. Dmg: 16 + 2·slvl
HP regeneration: 1.9, 4.1 and 6.6 each second on n, nm and hell difficulty
Resistances: None
Immunities: Apocalypse, Stone Curse and Telekinesis
°Each player can have only one golem alive at a time. If you cast the spell again, the first golem will be destroyed.
° If more than one player casts golem, they will seek each other out and fight until one of them is destroyed.
°You will get normal experience for any monster that your golem kills.
°If no monster is close enough to the golem, he will walk in the same direction the owning player is facing.
A three headed dragon emerges from the ground, with each head firing Firebolts at surrounding enemies. The dragon cannot be hit, therefore casting Guardians in rooms full of enemies can earn you a few easy kills. The higher the level of the spell, the more damage the Firebolts do, and the longer the Guardian will remain.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 1 + [clvl/2])
Max. Dmg: Rec(slvl, 10 + [clvl/2])
Quick Min. Dmg: (1 + clvl/2) · (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Dmg: (10 + clvl/2) · (9/8)^slvl
Duration: 4·slvl/5 + 2·clvl/5 seconds (Max. 24 seconds, Min. 0.8 seconds)
Fire frequency: every 0.8 second
Blockable: Yes
°The fire bolts shot by a Guardian are determined by the slvl of your Firebolt spell, so the shown damage is actually bogus.
°You will get normal experience for any monster that your guardians kill.
This spell will heal you, recovering some lost hit points. The higher the level of the spell, the more hit points you will recover with each use of the spell.
Type: n/a
Mana Cost: 8 + 2·clvl - 3·slvl
Min. Healing: bonus·(1 + clvl + slvl)
Max. Healing: bonus·(10 + 4·clvl + 6·slvl)
Real Healing: bonus·(Rnd[10] + Itt(clvl, Rnd[4]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[6]+1) + 1)
Warrior,: 2.0
Rogue : 1.5
Sorcerer: 1.0
Heal Other
This spell will heal the desired target. The higher the level of the spell, the more hit points the target will recover.
Type: n/a
Mana Cost: 8 + 2·clvl - 3·slvl
Min. Healing: bonus·(1 + clvl + slvl)
Max. Healing: bonus·(10 + 4·clvl + 6·slvl)
Real Healing: bonus·(Rnd[10] + Itt(clvl, Rnd[4]+1) + Itt(slvl, Rnd[6]+1) + 1)
Warrior : 2.0
Rogue : 1.5
Sorcerer: 1.0
Holy Bolt
Casting Holy Bolt fires a ball of holy magic, so only the undead will be harmed from impact. Holy Bolt will fly straight through creatures that aren't undead. The higher the level of the spell, the more damage the Holy Bolt will do.
Type: n/a
Min. Dmg: 9 + clvl
Max. Dmg: 18 + clvl
Speed: 16 + 2·slvl
°This spell only works on undead monsters and Diablo. It does not work against players.
Identify will reveal all characteristics of an enchanted or special item, much like how Cain will identify items for you in town.
Type: n/a
°Identifies magical and unique items. And Ears too!
Inferno |
This spell streams a jet of fire in front of the caster, burning all those who make contact. Does cause splash damage. The higher the level of the spell, the more damage the Inferno fire will do.
Type: fire
Min. Dmg: 3
Max. Dmg: 6 + 3·clvl/2
Real Dmg: (3·(Rnd[clvl]+Rnd[2]) + 6)/16
Range: 3
Duration: 1, 1.25 and 1.50 seconds
Blockable: No
°This spell always affect the same area and has the same duration, regardless of spell level.
°The three values for duration are for the three target locations starting with the one closest to the caster.
°The flame will try to hit once each 0.05 second for a total of 20, 25 and 30 times.
Infravision will show all enemies on the screen highlighted in red, even if the enemy is beyond the usual range of sight, which includes on the other side of walls.
Type: n/a
Duration: Rec(slvl, 79.2) seconds
Murky pools:
Church: slvl = 2
Catacombs: slvl = 4
Caves: slvl = 6
Hell: slvl = 8
A concentrated bolt of lightning will be shot at the desired target when cast; will hit target after target until it runs into a wall. The higher the level of the spell, the more damage done by the Lightning.
Type: lightning
Min. Dmg: 4
Max. Dmg: 4 + 2·clvl
Real Dmg: Rnd[clvl]+ Rnd[2] + 2
Speed: 32
Duration: ([slvl/2]+6)/20 seconds
Blockable: No
°The lightning is actually a stationary effect, but the initiation will be delayed the further away it appears, thus giving an appearance of moving. This delay "travels" with a speed of 32.
°The bolt will try to hit once every 0.05 seconds for a total of [slvl/2]+6 times.
Mana Shield
A Mana Shield will be cast upon the player. In effect, all damage done to the player will be absorbed by the shield, using mana per hit. A gold ball will float over your head indicating that the spell is active. The higher the level of the spell, the more effective the shield is, and thus the less damage the caster will take.
Type: n/a
Total Dmg reduction: 33%
Duration: until mana reaches 0 or you leave the current dlvl
°For slvl 0 there is no reduction of the damage.
°Due to a bug you will neither be stunned nor pushed back by the bear or Diablo if you receive damage (before modification by the Mana Shield) greater than your current life.
A circular blast of energy will be shot from the player and expand outward, inflicting all creatures surrounding the player, friend or foe.
Type: lightning
Min. Dmg: 5·Rec(slvl, 2 + [clvl/2])
Max. Dmg: 5·Rec(slvl, 15 + [clvl/2])
Quick Min. Dmg: 5·(2 + clvl/2) · (9/8)^slvl
Quick Max. Dmg: 5·(15 + clvl/2) · (9/8)^slvl
Real Dmg: Rec(slvl, (Itt(5, Rnd[6]) + clvl + 5)/2)
Number of bolts: 92
Speed: 16
Blockable: No
Phasing will teleport the player a short distance to a random location nearby. It uses little mana, and can be useful when surrounded by a group of enemies.
Type: n/a
°Due to being a non targeting spell, it is slightly faster than Teleport and it may thus be easier to escape with this spell than with Teleport.
Repair is the Warrior class skill. It allows the player to repair damaged items without returning to Griswold. It also doesn't cost any money, but permanently reduces the durability of an item.
Repair works the following way:
1. if current durability is equal to max durability, exit
2. x = 0
3. add (clvl + Rnd[clvl]) to x
4. y = [MaxDur/(clvl+9)], if less than 1 set to 1
5. decrease MaxDur by y
6. if x + CurDur < MaxDur, goto 3.
7. CurDur = MaxDur
If max durability ever reaches 0, the item is of course destroyed
°As your level goes up the durability loss decreases
If a character is killed, and his body remains (provided he does not restart in town) a Resurrect spell can be cast, bringing him back to life with one hit point and one mana count.
Type: n/a
°Brings another player back to life. The player will have 10 life (or his max life if it is less than 10) and 0 mana.
Staff Recharge
Sorcerers have a special skill that allows them to recharge magic staffs. Just as with the warrior you should use this skill rarely as the number of charges available on the staff decreases permanently with each recharge.
Recharge works the following way:
1. if current charges is equal to max charges or max charges is equal to 0, exit
2. x = Rnd[clvl/qlvl(book)] + 1
3. decrease MaxChrg by 1
4. add x to CurChrg
5. if CurChrg < MaxChrg, goto 3.
6. CurChrg = MaxChrg
Stone Curse
An effective spell which will turn the desired target to stone for a short period of time; no creature has resistance to this spell. During this time he can't move or attack, making him easy prey. The higher the level of the spell, the longer the target will remain in stone, and the more effective the Stone Curse will be.
Type: n/a
Duration: 4.8 + 0.8·slvl seconds (max 12 seconds)
°Stone Curse works on all monsters except Diablo.
°Stone Curse does not work on other players.
°Any monster already stoned, charging, phasing in or phasing out is temporary immune to Stone Curse.
Allows distant objects to be 'triggered'. With this spell, doors and chests can be opened from afar, as can the picking up of items, the pushing of levers, the pushing of enemies, and many other possibilities.
Type: n/a
°Can be used to open doors, chests, bookcases, shrines etc. from a distance.
°Can also be used to pick up items from a distance.
°Can be used to "knock" monsters back.
°A monster will immediately lose any Stone Curse status if it is targeted with Telekinesis.
Transports the caster to any destination clicked onscreen. Ignores doors, gates, walls, and any other obstruction between you and the target.
Type: n/a
°You can teleport to anywhere within the screen. I have noticed that if you quickly move your cursor before teleporting you often end up teleporting to where your cursor was
just before you moved it.
Town Portal
Casting this spell will open up a blue portal, which will take you directly to town (instead of having to ascend through the levels to find a passage to town). Once you return from town through the blue portal, it disappears.
Type: n/a
°Makes a portal to town and disappears when the caster uses it to go down to the dungeon.
Trap Disarm
A special skill for the Rogue. It allows you to disarm traps on chests or doors.
Disarm works the following way:
1. x = 2·Dex - 5·dlvl
2. if x > Rnd[100], trap is disarmed